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Discover, Share, Experience


The Art

Jennifer Cook-Battersby is a highly accomplished and established artist who has dedicated over two decades to her craft. Throughout her artistic journey, she has embraced a philosophy of constant evolution, continuously pushing the boundaries of her creativity and honing her skills.

With a professional background and experience in the art world, Jennifer has solidified her reputation as a galleried artist. This signifies that her work has been recognized and exhibited in prestigious galleries, further validating her talent and expertise. It is a testament to her dedication and the high caliber of her artistic contributions.

Jennifer's artistic journey is characterized by a commitment to growth and innovation. She approaches her craft with an open mind, embracing new techniques, styles, and mediums, as she seeks to explore different avenues of artistic expression. This constant evolution allows her to bring freshness and vitality to her work, capturing the essence of her creative spirit.

“Inhale possibility-exhale creativity “

The concept of never considering a subject complete reflects Jennifer's belief in the boundless nature of artistic expression. She recognises that art is a continuous journey, with infinite possibilities for exploration and growth. By embracing this mindset, she remains open to new ideas, inspiration, and interpretations, constantly expanding her artistic horizons.

Online Shop

Please check out my online shop with a selection of limited edition Giclee prints and Merchandise available for sale.  Feel free to ask me about commissions or if you have something specific in mind, I’d be happy to talk further - contact me.

My online shop takes credit card and apple pay but if you would like to pay by online banking that is no problem please contact me.

Online Banking
BNZ 02-0428-0043458-000
JCB Studio A/C